Configuration ≫ Shipping/Packaging

See also Shipping for more information on shipping calculations.

Country of Origin

Path: Configuration > Shipping/Packaging
Description: Select the country of origin to be used in shipping quotes.

Postal Code

Path: Configuration > Shipping/Packaging
Description: Enter the Postal Code (ZIP) of the Store to be used in shipping quotes. NOTE: For USA zip codes, only use your 5 digit zip code.

Enter the Maximum Package Weight you will ship

Path: Configuration > Shipping/Packaging
Description: Carriers have a max weight limit for a single package. This is a common one for all.

Package Tare Small to Medium - added percentage:weight

Path: Configuration > Shipping/Packaging
Description: What is the weight of typical packaging of small to medium packages?
Unit = Your SHIPPING_WEIGHT_UNITS (lbs or kgs)
10% + 1 Unit 10:1
10% + 0 Units 10:0
0% + 5 Units 0:5
0% + 1/2 Unit 0:0.5
0% + 0 Units 0:0

Larger packages - added packaging percentage:weight

Path: Configuration > Shipping/Packaging
Description: What is the weight of typical packaging for Large packages?
Unit = Your SHIPPING_WEIGHT_UNITS (lbs or kgs)
10% + 1 Unit 10:1
10% + 0 Units 10:0
0% + 5 Units 0:5
0% + 1/2 Unit 0:0.5
0% + 0 Units 0:0

Shipping Weight Units

Path: Configuration > Shipping/Packaging
Description: How should shipping modules treat the weights set on products? (remember if using lbs, 1 ounce=0.0625). NOTE: You must still manually update your language files to show the correct units visually.

Shipping Dimension Units

Path: Configuration > Shipping/Packaging
Description: In which unit of measurement does your store save length/width/height for your products?

Display Number of Boxes and Weight Status

Path: Configuration > Shipping/Packaging
Description: Display Shipping Weight and Number of Boxes?

0= off
1= Boxes Only
2= Weight Only
3= Both Boxes and Weight

Order Free Shipping 0 Weight Status

Path: Configuration > Shipping/Packaging
Description: If there is no weight to the order, does the order have Free Shipping?
0= no
1= yes

Note: When using Free Shipping, enable the Free Shipping Module (freeshipper). It will only show when shipping is free.

Shipping Estimator Display Settings for Shopping Cart

Path: Configuration > Shipping/Packaging
0= Off
1= Display as Button on Shopping Cart
2= Display as Listing on Shopping Cart Page

Display Order Comments on Admin Invoice

Path: Configuration > Shipping/Packaging
Description: Do you want to display the Order Comments on the Admin Invoice?
0= OFF
1= First Comment by Customer only
2= All Comments for the Order

Display Order Comments on Admin Packing Slip

Path: Configuration > Shipping/Packaging
Description: Do you want to display the Order Comments on the Admin Packing Slip?
0= OFF
1= First Comment by Customer only
2= All Comments for the Order

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Last modified March 9, 2024 by Scott Wilson (2b0103dd).