Admin Site Specific Overrides

How to customize your admin behavior without modifying core files

Note: This document is for the Admin side site specific overrides. Here are the storefront site specific overrides.

Admin Setting Overrides

Starting from Zen Cart 1.5.8, a file called admin/includes/extra_datafiles/dist-site_specific_admin_overrides.php
is now used to control multiple minor admin options.

Copy this file to


and customize to taste.

Many behaviors can be enabled or disabled by this file, such as:

  • indicating whether the downloads manager page should show the file date
  • modifying the order display for images, tax display, etc.
  • showing product images/attribute images on the packing slip/invoice
  • show attribute data in the Dashboard Orders popup
  • number of rows to display in the Dashboard Orders
  • show Quick View popup on the Orders listing
  • show attribute data in the Quick View popup on the Orders listing
  • show the Zone column in the Orders listing
  • show the customer registration IP column in the Customers listing
  • (developers) whether to enable debug on the zcDate class.
  • (developers) whether to load the Font Awesome v4 shim for backwards compatibility.

See the file itself for specifics and details.

Information on the storefront site-specific overrides file is also available.

Admin CSS Overrides

Starting in Zen Cart 1.5.8a, a file called admin/includes/css/dist-site-specific-styles.php is provided.

Copy this file to


and customize to taste.

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Last modified March 5, 2024 by Scott Wilson (72e8c298).