Constants in Zen Cart

Program Constants

Zen Cart has a group of defined constants (created with the PHP define statement) that arise from values in the database, primarily in the configuration table.

The Configuration constants may be seen in the All Configuration Values page.

The majority of the constants in the configuration tables are created as define strings, based on the configuration_key for the row. So if you look at Admin > Configuration > My Store > Store Name, you can see the configuration_key is STORE_NAME. This means the defined constant is a string called STORE_NAME.

The exceptions to the rule of creating string constants are the values in configuration groups 2 and 3, which are the Minimum Values and Maximum Values.

The Min and Max values can be easily recognized as integer values because almost all of them contain the string MIN or MAX respectively in their name. The only exception is SHOW_NEW_PRODUCTS_LIMIT (a Max value).

There are a small number of exceptions to the two rules noted above, which are:

Value Config Group Screen Type
SECURITY_CODE_LENGTH 16 Admin > Configuration > GV Coupons Integer
PRODUCTS_MANUFACTURERS_STATUS 3 Admin > Configuration > Maximum Values String

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Last modified April 16, 2024 by Scott C Wilson (6b9561ed).